The success of the Society’s work can best be seen in the greening of Lane Cove and in the amenity provided in the Municipality – both visual and otherwise enjoyed by the general community.
Particular achievements include:
- protection of the Lane Cove Bushland Park and its status as a wildlife refuge;
- establishment of Lane Cove Bush Kids;
- promotion and support for Council’s regeneration programs;
- Actively contributed to one of the first Plan of Management for Bushland in 1990, assisting in writing the brief and the development of the Plan. This lead to the employment of a bushland officer, the Bushland Management Advisery Committee (we have 3 members on the committee) which continues to update the Plan of Management;
- initiation of the first hydrology study, now embraced by councils State wide;
- provides major input into public consultation on the Local Environment Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP), assisting in achieving the E2 zoning for our bushland reserves; and
- promotion of a pilot recycling program, resulting in a permanent system being adopted by Council.
AWARDS – significant awards to the society. Many individuals have also received awards from LCC
- 1995 – LCC Centenary Committee Certificate of Appreciation
- 2007 – LCC Citizenship Awards – Sustainability Award
- 2008 – Nth Sydney Community Awards – Most Outstanding Community Group
- 2011 – LCC Citizenship Awards – Lane Cove Bush Kids
- 2012 – Nature Conservation Council of NSW – Most Outstanding Member Group (joint award)
- 2014 – Nth Sydney Community Awards – Lane Cove Bush Kids
- 2014 – United Nations World Environment Day Awards awards – Lane Cove Bush Kids
- 2014 – Lane Cove Council Community Award for ‘sustainable organisation’- Lane Cove Bush Kids
- 2014 – Corinne Fisher, Chair LCBCS – National Pride of Australia Award, Environmental Category for being instrumental in establishing the Lane Cove Bush Kids program and the state-wide grassroots organisation Better Planning Network
Helping to maintain the right combination of river, bush and housing
is a continuing challenge that the Society continues to meet.